” bolt from the mounting stem on the Signal® mirror. While seated on the motorcycle, position the Signal® mirror on the handle bar. Secure the Signal® mirror to the handle bar using the 5/ 16 ” bolt. Make sure the bolt is tight! Guide the Signal® mirror wire harness into the cowling by going along side the existing factory wire harness. 4 Remove any slack in the wire harness. Secure the wire harness to the handle bar using a supplied tie wrap. 5 6 Adjust the position of the Signal® mirror and tighten the ball retention screws. Remove the motorcycle seat. Remove the aft mounting bolts on the fuel tank. 7 Guide the Signal® mirror wire harness along the inside of the fuel tank’s front mounting bolt and between the crossover tube. 8 9 Lift up the aft portion of the fuel tank and guide the Signal® mirror wire harness down the backbone of the motorcycle frame, alongside the existing factory wire harness. The motorcycle’s electrical wiring for turn indicators is located aft of the gas tank on the backbone of the frame. Guide the new wire harness from the Signal® mirror to the electrical wiring. Cut off any excess slack in the wire. Locate the SOLID BROWN wire from the wire connector. Turn the ignition key so that electrical power is on and activate the right side turn indicator. Probe the wire with the wire tester to verify that flashing turn indicator power is present. Label that wire as ‘right side turn’. Repeat all of the previous steps to replace the left side factory mirror with the new Signal® mirror. Locate the SOLID VIOLET wire from the wire connector. Activate the left side turn indicator and probe the wire with the wire tester to verify that flashing turn indicator power is present. Label that wire as ‘left side turn
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